Cyber security – threats & protection

We are all familiar with the dangers that viruses and cybersecurity threats bring. Sure, the expression malware is well known to you – and when we speak about computers, we say “The virus is entered”. Also, we believe that it is not superfluous to remind ourselves – once when you activate the virus it may be recycled and spread to other systems, often causing data damage, stealing sensitive data, and generally - damaging the system.

Cybersecurity threats

***Viruses – they can delete or steal data, and also to be support the new virus entrance

***Worms – unlike viruses, worms can reproduce independently and spread independently through the network, often using software weaknesses to infiltrate the system.

*** Trojan Horses – remember the symbolism of the Trojan horse – and the answer is there. Their danger stems from the fact that they masquerade as legitimate software and once when they are installed they can make security hols that attackers can use. 

***Ransomware is blackmailing software – this time the hostages are data and like in every kidnapping – the termed ransom is requested. They have expanded during the past few years and target companies, hospitals, and individuals.

Protection of cybersecurity threats

There are proactive cybersecurity strategies that can help you protect against threats

*** Regular Updates – updated software and operative system are crucial – upgrading contains security parts that fix vulnerabilities

***Antivirus – installing a quality antivirus program can help detect malware before it does damage

***Firewalls – as the name suggests, it represents a kind of defense against unwanted traffic, serving as a filter between incoming and outgoing traffic to block harmful data.

***User educationContinuous education of users to recognize and prevent unwanted intrusions into the system or suspicious content reduces the risk of human error factors.

***Data backup – periodically backing up your data will be important even in the circumstance of ransomware because you can recover important files without paying the ransom.

***Multi-factor authentification – represents an additional shield precisely by containing multiple forms before allowing access to sensitive accounts.
The best two cooperates in the defense of the cyber-attack are information and implementation of effective protective actions. The development of technology brings a lot of possibilities – all of us are familiar with that – both good and bad. In that sense, don’t hesitate to consider consulting with experts or even hiring IT experts – data and digital processes are among your most important assets.