There is no way that all of of us can do everything, but we can be responsible for our “backyard“ – both metaphorically and literally.

The necessity that every resident of the planet should have is an environmental awareness. Ecological awareness is necessary for everyone on the planet. Media and educational institutions attempt to bring this subject into focus through educational content both on local and global level.

However, we often don’t know from where to start and to what to dedicate our time.

14001 ISO standard - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) has been established with an aim to organize environmental protection processes, regardless of the  activity, structure and no matter if it is an entrepreneurship or a corporation.

An increasing number of firms that cooperate with partners whose business is in accordance with ISO standards tells about the importance of implementing the abovementioned standard and it is a conditio sine qua non (the condition which is a must). IT’s simple – if your business is not in accordance with ISO standard parameters, then you are not part of their target partners. 

However the importance of 14001 ISO standard is greater than reducing the risk of losing potential cooperations– it is about business quality and responsibility, about long term bussines in which you have invested money, knowledge, contacts and other resources. When we act in compliance with keeping natural planet resources then we send a message that we are responsible and care for every part of our world.

Therefore, the following is only part of the advantages of implementing ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 14001:2015 ISO:

  • lowering negative effects on the environment
  • lowering risks of  ecological disasters
  • increasing capability of a fast and efficient intervention
  • improving reputation and building trust within the community
  • competitive advantage
  • legal security because of the compliance with environmental laws.


If you are about to implement ISO standards or you have already done that and want to facilitate systematic procedure and documentation management, IMSA application provides great assistance.