Osim rizika od obelodanjivanja poverljivih informacija, jedan od negativnih faktora neveštog upravljanja informacijama jeste i njihovo gubljenje ili kašnjenje. Kako bi se predupredili navedeni neželjeni efekti, važno je definisati i protokol u komunikaciji – osim komunikatora, isto tako transmisiju poruka i medije koji se tom prilikom koriste.
A lot of information and the speed of their flow – is it an advantage or a drawback for modern business? Both. On what does it depend they will be? On the skill of managing information - we can turn them to our advantage but they can also become our weakness.
Probably one of the biggest challenges of modern business is a classification of information by importance, reliability, confidentiality. Business secret isn’t anything new. Keeping ideas until their realization and plan also is not either. In that way we get characteristics of originality, innovation, exclusivity. The power of words was always one of the greatest. However, which tools should we use in defining these parameters? How to make the assessment easier? How to save what is needed and what should we announce and when and to whom?
The international standard ISO 27001 - INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT significantly helps you in handling that. According to the request contained in the mentioned standard one of the main requests is directed on maintenance of company’s know-how, on efficient managing of communication and recipients channels, on stability maintenance and security of business strategy, on transparency of services for clients and availability of relevant notifications.
Beside the risk of announcing confidential information, one of the negative factors of unskillful information management is their loss or delay. In order to prevent mentioned undesired effects, it is also important to define the communication procedure - the communicator as well as the messages transmission and media which are used in that situation.
In the implementation of the ISO 27001 standard, economic entities engage experts, that is consultants for standards implementation. Even after a successfully implemented standard, even after certification, managers face further challenges in applying standards requests to new information. In order to successfully go over those kinds of challenges, in cooperation with foreign and domestic consultants, Projectland has created an innovative digital tool for modern managing of ISO Standards requests – an ally in consistently and effective information security management.
IMSA application doesn’t only make fulfilling ISO Standards requests easier making an efficient organizational model, it has already been constructed in accordance with the requirements of ISO 27001, and bellow we will list some of them:
More about advantages of IMSA application usage you can find out here.