The contract with elementary school „Anton Skala“ is signed – the project realization is planned for 6 months

The deadline for applying for offers was at the end of June this year, and Projectland was chosen as the contractor.

In front of the Projectland team is another inspirative project – the production of the platform for the education of children with easy, moderate mental distraction and autism, which implies the content managing system, the WEB application for teachers, the application for mobile and tablet devices for the pupil.

The deadline for applying for offers was at the end of June this year, and Projectland was chosen as the contractor. After the introduction meeting and the making of the project phases plan, this platform gets its first codes. 

We are thankful to our cooperates for choosing us and for their cooperation, the start of the production already makes us motivated and dedicated, and we will write about the final product when it will be completed.