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Why is 9001 ISO standard – QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM important for successful business?

9001 ISO is appropriate for all kinds of business – both small and medium, as well as big corporations.

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There is no way that all of of us can do everything, but we can be responsible for our “backyard“ – both metaphorically and literally.

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What makes a successful company? Is it only profit it earns or also its reputation and the way how it does business internally and externally? But can there be big profit and long term successful business without quality organizational and value system?

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IT custom made solutions – benefits and advice

There are numerous generally available applications and software, that you can buy without negotiating with the producer, you simply follow steps of shopping and payment. But, surely, you have sometimes thought ˮ It would be good that THAT OPTION also exists. ˮ - And, there we are. You can have THAT OPTION if the producer offers application customization among their services, as well as if the producer creates the application exactly by your needs.

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Osim rizika od obelodanjivanja poverljivih informacija, jedan od negativnih faktora neveštog upravljanja informacijama jeste i njihovo gubljenje ili kašnjenje. Kako bi se predupredili navedeni neželjeni efekti, važno je definisati i protokol u komunikaciji – osim komunikatora, isto tako transmisiju poruka i medije koji se tom prilikom koriste.

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IMSA - the new member in mts business offer

We inform you with pleasure about the cooperation between mts and Projectland concerning the common placement of original software solution.

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IMSA – available in two more languages

We are especially flattered for recommendations of our services that our existing clients give to their international partners, and by that, they have contributed to our placement positioning on the international market.

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Successfully completed NS City mobile application project

The Service for Common Affairs of the city of Novi Sad announced the public procurement for development of a software solution at the end of 2021. The development subject was the mobile application that is available 24/7 to all citizens and it enables both the possibility of recording current communal issues in the city and direct and effective communication with communal services.

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Websites of international scientific journals: and are created and launched

The websites of international scientific journals Journal of Quality and System Engineering and Science of Maintenance are available.

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NEW PROJECT: Road Traffic Safety Agency and Projectland

The need for this kind of IT solution aroused to improve the work of the Sector for analyzing and researching and generating of type reports that are been used for analyzing the state of traffic security.

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The contract with elementary school „Anton Skala“ is signed – the project realization is planned for 6 months

The deadline for applying for offers was at the end of June this year, and Projectland was chosen as the contractor.

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I need software/application – how much does it cost?

Our clients and those who recommended us already know our procedure for defining price, but we decided to write that here also so we can help all of you that are in front of the process of digitalization.

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Successfully completed project: Road Traffic Safety Agency and Projectland

The project has been completed successfully in compliance with deals from the beginning of the cooperation within the stipulated period in December 2022.

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Successfully completed another project – Projectland and elementary school ˮAnton Skalaˮ

In compliance with planned activities and within the arranged deadline, the project the production of a platform for the education of children with easy, moderate mental distraction and autism, which implies the content managing system, the WEB application for teachers, the application for mobile and tablet devices for the pupil was completed.

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Developing software for managing the public procurement process, with maintenance for three years

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Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government & Projectland DOO

Production of application software with modules to support the professional development of employees in LGUs who perform tasks entrusted with the unified voter list

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National Employment Service and Projectland

New project: Maintenance service of the website of the National Employment Service

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In an increasingly digital world, choosing the right software company can be the difference between success and failure. Whether you’re looking to develop a mobile app, redesign your website, or implement a new management system, choosing the right software company is crucial. But how can you be sure you’re making the right decision? In this article, we will unveil the secrets to choosing the perfect software company for your needs. We will guide you through the key factors to consider, the questions you should ask, and the pitfalls you should avoid.

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Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering & Projectland

New project: Software for public procurement

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The Power of Tailored Software Development

In an era where adaptability and efficiency are paramount for business success, custom software development stands as a revolutionary catalyst for change. This article will delve into how tailored solutions empower companies to keep pace and lead the charge toward innovation. From streamlining processes to customizing customer experiences, custom software redefines what it means to be competitive in the 21st century. Join us on this exploration to uncover the power of tailored software development and how it’s revolutionizing the corporate world.

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City of Kragujevac - City Administration for Development and Investments & Projectland DOO

Software for linking and monitoring goals defined by key strategic documents, medium-term and annual Kragujevac city plans (development plan, strategies, action plans, etc.), with plans for the work of city administrations and lower organizational units, and finally the work goals of all employees

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Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government & Projectland

We are glad that we can inform you about the successful completing another project – Production of application software with modules to support the professional development of employees in LGUs who perform tasks entrusted with the unified voter list is in progress.

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The dynamic world of web design imposes the challenge of providing the user with an excellent experience regardless of the device they are using. In that segment, our topic stands out - the choice between responsive and adaptive design.

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Cyber security – threats & protection

We are all familiar with the dangers that viruses and cybersecurity threats bring. Sure, the expression malware is well known to you – and when we speak about computers, we say “The virus is entered”. Also, we believe that it is not superfluous to remind ourselves – once when you activate the virus it may be recycled and spread to other systems, often causing data damage, stealing sensitive data, and generally - damaging the system.

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The contract has been signed with PUC "City Sanitation"

The first month of the current year brought the selection of Projectland as the contractor.

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We thank the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia for the opportunity to be among Serbian entrepreneurs at the upcoming International Business Fair.

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